Showing posts with label Basic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 December 2013



                The main body of an HTML document where all of the content is placed. You must use this element and it should be used just once. It must start immediately after the closing headtag and end directly before the closing html tag.



Line Breaks 

The <br> tag is used when you want to start a new line, but don't want to start a new paragraph. The
<br> tag forces a line break wherever you place it. It is similar to single spacing in a document.

This Code   Would Display
<p>This <br> is a para<br> graph with
line breaks</p>


is a para
graph with line breaks

Other Topics



Defines a form button that has content within it.can be used in forms.
  • accesskey can be used to associate a particular keyboard shortcut to the element.
  • tabindex can be used to specify where the element appears in the tab order of the page.
  • disabled can be used to disable the button. It must be used in the format disabled="disabled".
  • name can be used to associate a name to the button so that it can be processed by a form-handling script.
  • type can be used to specify the button type. Values can be button (doesn't do anything), submit (default; submits the form when the button is selected) or reset (resets the form).
  • value can be used to specify an initial value.

<button>Push my <strong>button</strong> baby</button>



                 A large quotation. The content of a blockquote element must include block-level elements such as headings, lists, paragraphs or div's.
Optional Attributes
  • cite can be used to specify the location (in the form of a URI) where the quote has come from.

<blockquote cite="">
        <p>A large quotation. The content of a blockquote element must include block-level elements such as headings, lists, paragraphs or div's.</p>
        <p>cite can be used to specify the location (in the form of a URI) where the quote has come from.</p>



                     Bi-directional text. Defines an element that has different directional content. This is usually used with languages that are read in a different direction to the default language. For example, if Hebrew were used in an English document, it would need to be defined as
Required Attributes
  • dir is used to specify the direction and can be set to ltr (left-to-right) or rtl (right-to-left).
Optional Attributes
  • xml:lang can be used to specify the language of the element.

<p>The output <bdo dir="rtl">word</bdo> actually be "drow".</p>


Defines the base location for links on a page.
Relative links within a document (such as <a href="WWW.GOOGLE.COM.html"...or <img src="someimage.jpg"...) will become relative to the URI specified in the base tag.
The base tag must go inside the headelement.
Required Attributes
  • href is used to specify the location on the base URI.

        <base href="" />
        <p><a href="someplace.html">This</a> will actually link to</p>
        <div><img src="someimage.jpg" alt="Some image"/></div>
        <p> The location of the above image will be actually be</p>



                 A region of a client-side image map. Used in conjunction with map to map links to certain regions of an image.
Required Attributes
  • alt is used to specify the alternative text of the area, which should be a short description.
Optional Attributes
  • shape can be used to specify the shape of the area. The value can be rect (rectangular), circle (circular), poly (polygonal) or default.
  • coords can be used to specify the pixel coordinates of the area. For rectangular shapes, this is a comma-separated list of four values for left, top, right and bottom (eg. coords="0,0,50,50"). For circular shapes this is a comma-separated list of three values for left, top and radius (eg. coords="50,50,25"). For polygonal shapes, this is a comma-separated list containing an even number of values, specifying the left and top of each point of the shape (eg. coords="0,0,25,25,50,25,50,100").
  • href can be used to specify the target of the area link.
  • nohref can be used to specify that the area is not a link. It must be used in the format nohref="nohref".
  • accesskey can be used to associate a keyboard shortcut to the area.
  • tabindex can be used to specify where the area appears in the tab order of the page.

<map id ="atlas">
        <area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,115,90" href ="northamerica.html" alt="North America" />
        <area shape ="poly" coords ="113,39,187,21,180,72,141,77,117,86" href ="europe.html" alt="Europe" />
        <area shape ="poly" coords ="119,80,162,82,175,102,183,102,175,148,122,146" href ="africa.html" alt="Africa" />

HTML : Address


Defines an element that is a shortened word or phrase, such as 'HTML'.
The TITLE attribute is generally used to specify the whole word or phrase that the abbreviation is referring to.
An acronym is also an abbreviation, but an abbreviation is not necessarily an acronym.
Note: The abbrtag is not recognised in Internet Explorer.

<abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>



Anchor. Primarily used as a hypertext link. The link can be to another page, a part of a page or any other location on the web.
Note: An anchor (a point in a page where a link can jump to) does not need to be defined with the atag. Applying the id attribute to any tag will achieve this.
Required Attributes
  • None.
Optional Attributes
  • href can be used to specify the target of a link.
  • charset can be used to specify the character set of the target of a link.
  • type can be used to specify the MIME type of the target of a link.
  • hreflang can be used to specify the language (in the form of a language code) of the target of a link. It should only be used when href is also used.
  • rel can be used to specify the relationship of the target of the link to the current page.
  • rev can be used to specify the relationship of the current page to the target of the link.
  • accesskey can be used to associate a keyboard shortcut to the element.
  • tabindex can be used to specify where the element appears in the tab order of the page.

<p><a href="">Link to a URI</a></p>
<p><a href="#content">Link to a page anchor</a></p>

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