Anchor. Primarily used as a hypertext link. The link can be to another page, a part of a page or any other location on the web.
Note: An anchor (a point in a page where a link can jump to) does not need to be defined with the atag. Applying the id attribute to any tag will achieve this.
Required Attributes
- None.
Optional Attributes
- href can be used to specify the target of a link.
- charset can be used to specify the character set of the target of a link.
- type can be used to specify the MIME type of the target of a link.
- hreflang can be used to specify the language (in the form of a language code) of the target of a link. It should only be used when href is also used.
- rel can be used to specify the relationship of the target of the link to the current page.
- rev can be used to specify the relationship of the current page to the target of the link.
- accesskey can be used to associate a keyboard shortcut to the element.
- tabindex can be used to specify where the element appears in the tab order of the page.
<p><a href="http://www.google.com">Link to a URI</a></p>
<p><a href="#content">Link to a page anchor</a></p>
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