Thursday, 5 July 2012



Table data cell. If the cell contains a header rather than data, th should be used instead. td must be used inside a tr element.

Optional Attributes
  • colspan can be used to specify across how many columns the cell should spread. The default value is 1.
  • rowspan can be used to specify across how many rows the cell should spread. The default value is 1.
  • abbr can be used to specify an abbreviated version of the content of the cell.
  • axis can be used to specify a category that forms a conceptual axis in n-dimensional space for hierarchical structuring. The value can be a single name or a comma-separated list of names.
  • headers can be used to explicitly specify which header cells are associated to the cell. The value is a single or comma-separated list of table cell id values.
  • scope can be used to explicitly specify that the cell contains header information for the rest of the row (value row), column (value col), row group (value rowgroup) or column group (value colgroup) that contains it.
  • align can be used to horizontally align the content of the cell. The value can be leftcenterrightjustify or char.
  • valign can be used to vertically align the content of the cell. The value can be topmiddlebottom or baseline.
  • char can be used to specify a character with which cells will align, such as a decimal point. It is not supported by any major browser.
  • charoff can be used to specify the number of pixels the alignment should be offset from the char character. It is not supported by any major browser.

               <td>What is the capital of Burundi?</td>
               <td>What is the capital of France?</td>
               <td>Erm... sort of</td>



Variable. Defines a computer variable for example.

<code><var>wordLENGTH</var> = 6878;</code>



Unordered list. Defines a list that has no logical sequence. Used in conjunction with li to define the list items.


        <li>The other</li>


Table row. tr elements must appear within a table element.
  • align can be used to horizontally align the content of the cell. The value can be leftcenterrightjustify or char.
  • valign can be used to vertically align the content of the cell. The value can be topmiddlebottom or baseline.
  • char can be used to specify a character with which cells will align, such as a decimal point. It is not supported by any major browser.
  • charoff can be used to specify the number of pixels the alignment should be offset from the char character. It is not supported by any major browser.


               <td>What is the capital of Burundi?</td>
               <td>What is the capital of France?</td>
               <td>Erm... sort of</td>



Defines the title of a page. You must have a title element to produce a valid document and it must be placed within the head element.


               <title>Shiny Gongs</title>


Table header. Along with tfoot and tbodythead can be used to group a series of rows. thead can be used just once within a table element and should appear before a tfoot and tbody element.
Optional Attributes
  • align can be used to horizontally align the cells within the element. The value can be leftcenterrightjustify or char.
  • valign can be used to vertically align the cells within the element. The value can be topmiddlebottom or baseline.
  • char can be used to specify a character with which cells will align, such as a decimal point. It is not supported by any major browser.
  • charoff can be used to specify the number of pixels the alignment should be offset from the char character. It is not supported by any major browser.

                       <th>Header 1</th>
                       <th>Header 2</th>
                       <th>Header 3</th>
                       <td>Footer 1</td>
                       <td>Footer 2</td>
                       <td>Footer 3</td>
                       <td>Cell data 1</td>
                       <td>Cell data 2</td>
                       <td>Cell data 3</td>
                       <td>Cell data 4</td>
                       <td>Cell data 5</td>
                       <td>Cell data 6</td>
                       <td>Cell data 7</td>
                       <td>Cell data 8</td>
                       <td>Cell data 9</td>


Table header cell. Defines a column or row header that is not table data itself. If a cell acts as both header and data, td should be used instead. th must be used inside a tr element.
Optional Attributes
  • colspan can be used to specify across how many columns the cell should spread. The default value is 1.
  • rowspan can be used to specify across how many rows the cell should spread. The default value is 1.
  • abbr can be used to specify an abbreviated version of the content of the cell.
  • axis can be used to specify a category that forms a conceptual axis in n-dimensional space for hierarchical structuring. The value can be a single name or a comma-separated list of names.
  • headers can be used to explicitly specify which header cells are associated to the cell. The value is a single or comma-separated list of table cell id values.
  • scope can be used to explicitly specify that the cell contains header information for the rest of the row (value row), column (value col), row group (value rowgroup) or column group (value colgroup) that contains it.
  • align can be used to horizontally align the content of the cell. The value can be leftcenterrightjustify or char.
  • valign can be used to vertically align the content of the cell. The value can be topmiddlebottom or baseline.
  • char can be used to specify a character with which cells will align, such as a decimal point. It is not supported by any major browser.
  • charoff can be used to specify the number of pixels the alignment should be offset from the char character. It is not supported by any major browser.

               <td>What is the capital of Burundi?</td>
               <td>What is the capital of France?</td>
               <td>Erm... sort of</td>


Table footer. Along with thead and tbodytfoot can be used to group a series of rows. tfoot can be used just once within a table element and must appear before a tbody element.
Optional Attributes
  • align can be used to horizontally align the cells within the element. The value can be leftcenterrightjustify or char.
  • valign can be used to vertically align the cells within the element. The value can be topmiddlebottom or baseline.
  • char can be used to specify a character with which cells will align, such as a decimal point. It is not supported by any major browser.
  • charoff can be used to specify the number of pixels the alignment should be offset from the char character. It is not supported by any major browser.

                       <th>Header 1</th>
                       <th>Header 2</th>
                       <th>Header 3</th>
                       <td>Footer 1</td>
                       <td>Footer 2</td>
                       <td>Footer 3</td>
                       <td>Cell data 1</td>
                       <td>Cell data 2</td>
                       <td>Cell data 3</td>
                       <td>Cell data 4</td>
                       <td>Cell data 5</td>
                       <td>Cell data 6</td>
                       <td>Cell data 7</td>
                       <td>Cell data 8</td>
                       <td>Cell data 9</td>



A multi-row text area form element. The initial value of the text area can be placed in between the opening and closing tags.

Required Attributes
  • rows is used to define the number of viewable rows.
  • cols is used to specify the number of viewable columns.
Optional Attributes
  • name can be used so that the value of the element can be processed.
  • disabled can be used to disable the element. It must be used in the format disabled="disabled".
  • readonly can be used to specify that the value of the element can not be changed. It must be used in the format readonly="readonly".
  • accesskey can be used to associate a keyboard shortcut to the element.
  • tabindex can be used to specify where the element appears in the tab order of the page.

<form action="somescript.php" />
        <p>Your address</p>
        <div><textarea name="address"cols="30" rows="4"></textarea></div>
        <div><input type="submit" /></div>



Table data cell. If the cell contains a header rather than data, th should be used instead. td must be used inside a tr element.

Optional Attributes
  • colspan can be used to specify across how many columns the cell should spread. The default value is 1.
  • rowspan can be used to specify across how many rows the cell should spread. The default value is 1.
  • abbr can be used to specify an abbreviated version of the content of the cell.
  • axis can be used to specify a category that forms a conceptual axis in n-dimensional space for hierarchical structuring. The value can be a single name or a comma-separated list of names.
  • headers can be used to explicitly specify which header cells are associated to the cell. The value is a single or comma-separated list of table cell id values.
  • scope can be used to explicitly specify that the cell contains header information for the rest of the row (value row), column (value col), row group (value rowgroup) or column group (value colgroup) that contains it.
  • align can be used to horizontally align the content of the cell. The value can be leftcenterrightjustify or char.
  • valign can be used to vertically align the content of the cell. The value can be topmiddlebottom or baseline.
  • char can be used to specify a character with which cells will align, such as a decimal point. It is not supported by any major browser.
  • charoff can be used to specify the number of pixels the alignment should be offset from the char character. It is not supported by any major browser.

               <td>What is the capital of Burundi?</td>
               <td>What is the capital of France?</td>
               <td>Erm... sort of</td>

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